FYE, Jesus Class & more babies!

Three updates to tell you about. One is just a little scary. One is actually terrifying. And the last is just pure feel-good joy! Which one do I tell you about first?

Savannah and Haleigh

Let’s save the “pure feel-good joy” for last and talk about the scary stuff first! A couple posts back I mentioned that we’re nearing InterVarsity’s Fiscal Year End (FYE). Some years this one would go in the terrifying bucket, but not this year! Just a little scary. We’re a month from closing out the fiscal year and I have a pretty good shot at finishing in the black! I had pushed really hard January through March trying to find a significant chunk of new repeating support. Of the $24K I was chasing down, I managed to find $14.5K in new donations from 13 sources. While it didn’t get me all the way to my goal, it does allow me to increase my budget some starting July 1st. If the FYE donations that I’m hoping for arrive in June, I should also be able to end this year without a deficit!

Click here to be taken to Tim’s donation page at InterVarsity

I’m so grateful for those 13 donors. I’m so grateful for the rest of my support system who kept on giving and made increases in their giving this past year. Thank you so much for your faithfulness and generosity! What always looks impossible in July turns out to be only a little scary in June! And, my entire team with only a couple of exceptions will make it to June 30 with our budgets coming in full. “Thanks be to God for this indescribable gift.”

Actually terrifying

Cheryl and I had a chance this spring to teach Mark Manuscript to a group at One Hope Church. It had been about a decade since I last taught it but it surprised me all over again how incredible Mark’s Gospel is. Actually the thing that always delights me is the experience people have discovering Jesus and the incredible challenge of being a disciple. If you’ve ever been knee-deep in Mark (most InterVarsity types know exactly what I mean) you’ll know what a gut-check actually following Jesus turns into. Fear and Faith keep coming up again and again in their experiences. Fear and Faith. Nearly drowning in the Sea of Galilee only to wake up a man who orders the wind and waves to cease. It’s not the drowning you’re afraid of anymore! Or encountering a fully loaded demoniac with the power to tear you limb from limb, only to realize its your mild-mannered Sunday School teacher, Jesus, who orders a legion of filthy demons to their collective death! Fear is not only everywhere in Mark’s Gospel, its everywhere in life as we know it today if we’re honest. And especially if we’re honest followers trying to obey Jesus. He is still the untamed Lord of storms yet today!

More babies? What could this mean?

There’s probably nothing more incredible than realizing you are going to be a parent. Except that is… hearing that you’re going to be a grand-parent! Again! And AGAIN! Last weekend we were together with the Tennessee Perrys. We’d just moved Silas and Haleigh from Omaha to Cookeville and were heading back through Nashville to meet up with big brother Aaron and his family. “Why don’t we all get together for dinner and a game before heading back to Omaha?”

We’re all abuzz in the Perry family over our youngest and his wife expecting their first child in October. Silas and Haleigh are adjusting to looming parenthood, and a new job, and a new home-town! Silas graduated May 17th with his bachelors in Computer Engineering. We moved him and Haleigh six days later to start his full time job in Embedded Systems with Whisper Aero (same company Aaron has been employed with).

So within 5 minutes of arriving at Aaron and Savannah’s place, Cheryl opened a belated mother’s day present from Aaron. A tiny family of four little critters announcing that Aaron, Savannah and Poppy will become a family of four this coming November! Haleigh and Silas’ baby in October. Poppy’s little sib a month later!

Thanks so much for your prayers for our growing family! Thankfully we still have Phoebe and Ryan here with us in Omaha (no plans for Tim and Cheryl to move to Tennessee just yet). Please keep Silas and Haleigh in your prayers as they settle into Cookeville. Keep our beautiful daughters-in-law in your prayers as their due dates draw near. And please keep Poppy in your prayers as she welcomes a sibling and a cousin into the family this Fall!


Growing Grapes/ Tending Vineyards

Jacques Joseph Tissot – The Son of the Vineyard, 1894

Two weekends ago GFM Central Area staff enjoyed being together for a team retreat in St. Louis. I always forget how helpful it is to be live and together in person! One moment at the retreat captured that sense well. One of our teammates, Mark Hansard, has been on a sabbatical and hasn’t been at ANY staff gatherings since our retreat in April 2023. Mark’s been writing a book while on leave. Star-Trek and Scripture: The Final Frontier and Christian World View was the proposed title (but probably not the published title). At several points throughout the weekend Mark found a way to convey how good it was to be back with his people (the staff team). “I’ve felt so isolated and cut off from the rest of the world while working on this book. You can’t believe how good it feels to be face to face with the team again! I love being on this team!” No kidding! Direct quotes from Mark. And on top of that, it really was fun for the rest of us having Mark back!

Mark on God’s foreknowledge and predestination.

So Saturday night we popped bags of Orville Redenbacher, had Mark show us a Star Trek episode and take us through one of the chapters of his book. IF you are super curious about things Trek-worldly, we watched Children of the Comet, season 1, epsode 2 of Strange New Worlds and we talked about predestination and free will! In fact the whole weekend was designed to have our team bring their best gifts and lead something. Tom and Chad (with Josh on viola) lead prayer and worship times modeled after their weekly faculty/student prayer gatherings at Iowa State. Ben and Jake led us in scripture around our theme: Growing Grapes and Tending Vineyards (John 15 and Mark 12). George brought us Wash-U faculty member John Hendrix as a Saturday afternoon guest. We enjoyed hearing his story, talking about his vision for faculty ministry and asking him questions.

Pray for our Vineyard Tending!

We spent about half a day on Saturday in scripture tearing up manuscripts with colored pencils and highlighters. As a team of more seasoned staff we take to even familiar scriptures with tireless joy (no I am not exaggerating). John 15 was very familiar. A deep dive served to tighten our grip on the very basics of spiritual formation. Building a rewarding life of ministry with students and faculty is NEVER less than being a well-nourished, self-feeding Christ follower who influences others to be the same way.

Our Mark 12 study took off from there. If we can grow grapes and lead others to do so, the next thing is making and tending vineyards. The Son of the Vineyard like no other parable takes us to the heart of Jesus’ religious conflict narratives. Jesus drew on the Song of the Vineyard from Isaiah 5 to not only retell Israel’s history, but also foreshadow his coming passion. The Pharisees and teachers of the law knew Jesus told this parable against them! The spiritual leaders of God’s people were the tenants the owner put in charge of his vineyard. When the owner sent his son to collect some of the produce, the tenants rejected him, killed him and cast him out of the vineyard thinking they’d now do what they wanted as if they were the owners!

What do our vineyards look like in GFM?

My job as an Area Director is to lead my team in campus ministry and serve them administratively to help them stay funded and supported. Mark 12 and Isaiah 5 have gotten me thinking and praying with more intensity. If we look at our fellowships as expressions of the kingdom of God on our campuses, how healthy, fruitful and thriving are they? It takes a lot of work to set up a vineyard. Just like it takes a lot of effort to build witnessing communities in our universities. The maddening thing about vineyards is that they can be so vulnerable to countless problems. Isaiah’s Vineyard Song is a very sad song! After so much planning, cultivating, watching, waiting and protecting, the vineyard of the Lord produced abundant crops of BAD TASTING GRAPES!

Pray for the work of InterVarsity GFM on campuses in my area. Pray for my team as they cultivate the life of the kingdom of Jesus in their communities. On many of our campuses our groups are small and struggling (if I could be very honest with you). Not discounting the value of the lives we are reaching, I sense we are reaching far fewer faculty and graduate students than we have potential for. Each year in April and May staff tabulate and evaluate the ministry year we’re now wrapping up. Pray for us to have our vision refreshed. Pray for us to look over our vineyards and spot the places were our work can be more effective and impactful. Pray for God to give us wisdom and patience as we network to find more Christians in graduate and professional programs. Ask God to connect us with more Christian faculty. Pray for our witness on campus which at the moment seems distracted and weak. Pray for my leadership and team-work with staff – that God would use me to encourage and sharpen staff, helping them focus their gifts and strengths for effective group building.

Thank you for your friendship and prayers! Thank you for praying for me and my team. Thank you for your financial support.


“I will sing for the one I love a song about his vineyard: My loved one had a vineyard on a fertile hillside. He dug it up and cleared it of stones and planted it with the choicest vines. He built a watchtower in it and cut out a winepress as well. Then he looked for a crop of good grapes, but it… ” Isaiah 5: 1-2

Show me the numbers!

Typical engineer, I constantly doodle on graph paper. My fundraising motivation has been staring at me sideways from my white-board since the beginning of the new year. January through March has been a window of opportunity I’ve taken to devote a lot more time to find new financial support. Two things are driving my need at this point: a much needed reality check on my salary and benefits, and the need to find matching dollars for new staff recruiting. Let me unpack those…

After being back on InterVarsity staff now for over 6 years, I’ve been taking a hard look at where my budget is on the salary scale for staff directors. I’m at least one full level behind whether you are counting my seniority or my role. That means the annual salary I’ve settled into is about $17K behind where I could be. And if that’s the salary increase I am aiming for, that means I need to raise about $24K in total budget increase. That was a pretty steep climb.

As of the end of March, I’d have to say three things about my funding picture. 1- Funding is hard work, and it’s just always difficult to do ministry and fund ministry at the same time. I opened 34 contacts with people over the course of 12 weeks (34 contacts that took an outrageous amount of communication to make happen). 2- I did find some new, repeating funding over those weeks. I’m grateful for 10 new pledges totaling $9,200 per year going forward. Most of that was from new supporters. Some of that was increased giving from current donors. Thank you to all who made space for me to make my ask and tenaciously follow it up. 3- I am also somewhat heavy-hearted about the remaining $16,000 of annual support that I still need to find. There are very few of my 34 asks that have not closed yet. I need to persevere. I need refreshed energy and hope. A full budget with a level 10 salary still doesn’t seem in view for me. Please pray for my encouragement. Pray for me to find new sources of support to approach. Pray for me to be able to do the support-raising while doing InterVarsity’s mission in my Area.

Fourth-quarter come-back.

What I’ve been chatting about in this post so far is just my budget ($128K). When you look at the rest of my team and my Area expenses, the total funding picture is over $600K annually. As we enter the fourth quarter of our fiscal year, we’re pushing and praying and hoping for our entire budgets to come in. Our paid staff and even some of the volunteers take responsibility for their own budgets. They each have a team of ministry partners giving to their salary, benefits and ministry expenses. We’re so grateful for the hundreds of people who keep our Area funded and prayed for each month!

Ministry budgets can run a little behind during the last quarter. Some donors give in Spring after they have gotten the new year up and running and their taxes filed. If you need a reminder about giving this spring, please know that our fiscal year end happens each June 30th. I would love your prayers for a strong fourth-quarter finish. Pray for the impact of my funding work from February to start paying off in my overall budget picture. Pray for me to be able to find the remaining $16K I’ll need before I can move my salary up. As always, pray for our work on campus with Grad Students and Faculty.

Click here to donate to Tim’s ministry budget.

Thanks for your partnership!


Great Weekend in Austin!

See anyone you recognize in this picture? Catch the previous post for the details, but Cheryl and I spent a fun weekend on the campus of UT Austin. The celebration dinner was really long…and really good! People had written letters of affirmation, remembrance and blessing for each of the 19 InterVarsity staff members celebrating our work anniversaries. President Tom Lin, the Executive Leadership Team and the Board collected notes and letters, compiled them into a booklet and read some of them to the whole group there. I heard from my first staff member in IV (1982), a classmate from our U of I student days who joined us on staff in the early 90s, a current pastor of one of our supporting churches here in Omaha, and two of our former students from Wesleyan days.

InterVarsity, thank you for the thoughtful gift this is for staff. Thank you for the recognition and affirmation. Thank you for blessing Cheryl and I for 25 years of serving staff, faculty and students (spread out over more than 3 decades). PBR readers and ministry partners – thank you for keeping us refreshed and able do this great work for these many years.


25 Years w. InterVarsity

This year marks for me a total of 25 years of staff ministry with InterVarsity. Tomorrow morning Cheryl and I travel to Austin, Texas at the invitation of Tom Lin, President of InterVarsity USA. Each year, staff who reach 25 years of service are invited to a celebration with Tom and InterVarsity’s national board of directors. The board rotates the location of their annual meeting – this year it’s in Austin! A total of 19 of us will be recognized this weekend.

In this post I wanted to share a few snapshots of my earliest of days with InterVarsity (1986-87). Most of you know that I didn’t serve my 25 years consecutively. As I was finishing my M-Div, I left staff in 2006 to work in church ministry as an associate pastor of outreach at Christ Community Church here in Omaha. When I returned in 2017, InterVarsity just “restarted my clock” – and here we are. 25 years on InterVarsity staff! If you want the back-story on the transition back to IV, check out this post.

I’m sure this weekend will conjure a lot of memories about what it has meant to me to be an InterVarsity staff member for most of my working career. I can’t begin to narrow it down much less remember it all! InterVarsity’s gifts to me are too numerous. IV was the first place I found Christian community as a freshman engineering student in 1982. I found what I would call true spiritual friendship with a small handful of students – first at Eastern Illinois, then at University of Illinois where I graduated. Eastern was where I first met an InterVarsity staff member who befriended and invested in me. I learned leadership. I learned how to share my faith and lead friends to Christ. I read books – difficult and important ones. I learned how to sing more and better hymns in IV than the few I grew up with. I met vastly more diverse Christians. I read and studied my bible inductively for the first time. I caught a vision for theological studies. I was blessed to go to grad school while I was working in ministry. I was given lots of opportunities to lead staff. And the whole time I’ve been a student of the culture shaping institution of the secular university, longing for the influence of Jesus in that context. Thank you InterVarsity for helping all that happen!

When I think of the even longer list of people I am grateful to, it seems daunting to even start the list. This photo mosaic is a good place to begin! My deepest, most enduring bond of ministry partnership has to be with Cheryl St. Pierre Perry! Cheryl was a swell friend on the very last student exec team I served my senior year at University of Illinois (1987). I had to wait year after joining IV staff to get to serve with her. We served every minute of the first ten years of staff-work together. I couldn’t and wouldn’t be in ministry for over 35 years now without a teammate like her. A lot of terrific ministry, in a lot of different places, while all the time growing a fabulous family. Cheryl, thank you!

Staff team-mates too many to count in Downstate Illinois, in the Great Lakes West and recently in GFM. Student leadership teams (like my first exec team at Eastern Illinois, Fall 1987). InterVarsity students, faculty and alumni scattered over 35 years of time! I can’t begin to unpack what it meant to be on countless program staff teams at Cedar Campus during those first 19 years! Those of you reading this who are current ministry partners of mine belong to a group of people who have given to InterVarsity faithfully and generously for decades. Can you imagine a spreadsheet (that probably exists somewhere) having 25 years worth of monthly columns from left to right? And then runs down the page with a row for everyone who has ever given to Tim Perry’s account! That mega-spreadsheet-in-the-clouds with all those donations in all those boxes… is just a proxy for the cumulative provision that Cheryl and I have been blessed to rely on.

The year InterVarsity found me!

Thank you, friends. Thank you, family. Thank you, team-mates. Thank you InterVarsity alumni. I’ll try to snap a few pictures and give you an update from the weekend coming up.


10 things happen (when you give God money).

Here’s a picture of one of my pastors I saw on Facebook this week. The post, covering last week’s annual meeting, announced new officers and the budget approval. One big deal about the budget was that Pastor Roo, Pastor Josh and Heidi (the church admin) were all going to be able to return to full time paid status! It was happy news to everyone. I felt like I got a front row seat to what God was doing because of a Sunday morning message I was invited to give back in November.

Celebration Covenant is not a powerful mega-church in our community. God has placed us in a corner of the city where the mission of Jesus is greatly needed. But it is not what you’d consider prime church real-estate. I’ve benefitted greatly from Celebration Covenant after a decade of serving in a much larger, more prominent church came to an end in 2016. Roo and Dawn from the very beginning of my experience with them have been nothing less than wonderful friends, terrific team-mates in ministry and caring pastors for me and my family. They’ve found a place for me again and again to serve- mostly teaching and training.

So when I was invited to give the Commitment Sunday message on stewardship last Fall, I jumped on it! It was a delight to talk about one of my favorite topics. It was a little surprising that someone other than a paid pastor got to challenge the congregation to engage with financial giving. Roo and Dawn are co-pastors of Celebration Covenant (husband and wife as well). They trade off with Sunday morning preaching and occasionally invite me in to help. I jumped at the chance to give the last message in the series. 

Below is the message I gave that Sunday. I offer it here believing for certain that no PBR reader in their right mind will want to listen to a ten-point sermon on giving! May the Lord be with you if you do. BUT, it was merely a punchy summary of what Roo and Dawn had already spent a couple of months teaching about leading up to that week. 

Why share all this here, Tim? We are your donors and prayer partners. I hope you are not trying to get preachy…. or punchy…. or whatever with us!

No. I share it because I feel like your support of my ministry made the perfect platform for me to encourage a whole church to get on board with their mission and their budget. Because I am so blessed by my ministry partners in InterVarsity, I was the perfect person to encourage a congregation to give generously and cheerfully to its mission, its tangible needs and to providing for its paid leadership. 

Click here to watch the entire message on FB

Thank you for being the kind of people this message was about. My hope is that you DO experience all ten of these things (and more) when you give to God. I am in constant need of perspective on how Cheryl and I steward God’s blessing in our lives. I bet that’s true of you too. Thanks so much for your faithfulness. Thanks so much for your generosity. Thank you for the impact you make on the mission of Jesus in the University and in the community you live in.

“Thank God for this gift, too wonderful for words!”  2 Cor 9:15 NLT

PS – I would LOVE your prayers for me during the month of February. As I’ve hinted at in past posts, I am now in the midst of a 6 week focus on developing my funding. More details about that in posts to come! I’m off to a great start. AND I have taken on a very large funding goal. The response so far has been really encouraging.


Who am I?

Coming to you today from InterVarsity’s national Staff Conference 24. The last time our entire staff family gathered was right before the pandemic- January, 2020. We’re in sunny (at the moment) Orlando! We’re on a prayer and fasting experience today just about to conclude our last prayer session with a whole-group plenary.

The scriptures we’re studying this week are the opening chapters of the Gospel of Mark. Rich Villodos, pastor of New Life Fellowship in New York city challenged us yesterday with one of those deep questions that gets under your skin and won’t leave you alone. ”When you consider the core of your personal and professional identity, are you defined more by your successes or your failures?” We all constantly manage our image. Rich put it this way: ”There are lots of versions of ourselves that we negotiate: There’s the ME I want others to see, then there’s the ME that I don’t let others see. There’s the ME I want to become… but am not yet. There’s the ME my workmates know and there’s the ME my spouse and family knows. Which ME is ME?”

A we looked at the opening chapter of Mark, Jesus has an identity defining moment at his baptism. ”You are my beloved SON, with you I am well pleased.” Immediately the Spirit then drives Jesus to the wilderness where his freshly issued ID gets drug though the mud by Satan’s repeated temptations. Jesus weathers the aggression by staying focused on the Word of God.

Which is more dangerous to you? Your successes or your failures?

Maybe this is a question we should ask every time we start a fresh trip around the sun. Rich challenged us to rethink how we view success and failure. Success and failure can BOTH destroy our core identity. Failure seems obvious doesn’t it? We fear failure so much because we know how publicly damaging it can be to our image. But if we’re honest we’re not nearly as worried about the danger of success. Most of us are A-OK with success and how silently it distorts our sense of self. 

Pray for us as we meet God this week. Pray for scripture to speak. Pray for the Spirit to meet us, encourage us and reshape our mission on campus with faculty and students. I’ll try to post again before the week is up. I’m hoping your new year is off to a great start. A few things I’m grateful for as I think about your partnership with me:

  • Thank you for your gifts to my ministry support – December was a strong month!
  • Thank you for your prayers for our family- we enjoyed a lot time with our kids over break.
  • So thankful for health and healing from my accident in April (did a 60 mile ride in December to celebrate turning 60).
  • I’ve been able to clear away more space in Jan-March to work on finding more funding.
  • Really thankful for my awesome wife Cheryl and our home – a place where I love to work and live with my favorite person on the planet!
  • Phoebe and Cheryl planned a wonderful birthday celebration for me. Ouch, I’m 60!
  • Got to be with Aaron, Savannah and Poppy in Franklin for his 31st birthday.
  • Stopped in at Carter’s in Nashville to check out some instruments! That’s an Octave Mandolin I think.
  • Poppy trying out her new RC boat!

Click here to give to Tim’s ministry


Thanks so much!

Omaha area InterVarsity – Progressive Dinner. GFM, undergrads and ISM. Dec 1, 2023

Thanks for your prayers last weekend! We had a terrific time at the Progressive Dinner. We’re so grateful for Rene and Kathy Padilla and West Hills Presbyterian. In bygone years the group would have divided up into smaller groups for dessert. This year the whole gang came over to the Perrys. About half the people in the picture are GFM connected and the other half are undergraduate InterVarsity staff and students. I’m so blessed by my teammates Will Chu and Megan and Adam Leong.

Click here to give to Tim’s ministry.

Thanks so much to all my readers who are getting their year-end giving sent. As you can imagine, December is a big month. We are always hugely blessed and usually head into January on the positive side of the ledger. Thanks so much for your prayers and generosity. As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, this fiscal year I have a big hill to climb, but my supervisor has helped me get set up in an MPD cohort for the months of January and February. MPD is Ministry Partner Development – finding prayer partners, ministry volunteers and financial supporters. Provided my current donors sustain their levels of support, my goal is to find as close to $20K in new, repeating dollars as I possible can. More on that challenge later!

I hope you are enjoying a terrific Advent season. If you’re not already aware of it, I highly recommend the BIOLA Advent Project for daily art, music, scripture and devotional thoughts. This year the project is situated in the book of Isaiah, the “Fifth Gospel”. May you enjoy some moments of much needed reflection and personal worship in the midst of the busyness this month always brings. May the Lord Jesus help us this season to receive with humility and give with sacrificial generosity! Be blessed y’all!


PS. Please do let me know (LMK) your support plans for the coming year – it’s super helpful for my planning! Just reply the text message you received this post in, OR swat me a quick email. Thanks!

Chreaster-Cross Devo

I have about 10 minutes to write this blog. So it will be very short. In about an hour and a half, a group of 30 InterVarsity students, faculty and staff will be gathered for a holiday progressive dinner. I will be sharing an Advent devotional. Rather than talk a lot about it, here’s the mad genius himself at work at his white-board. You can probably figure it out from my scrawlings.

Click here to be taken to Tim’s donation page at InterVarsity

Pray for the evening to be a delight to our local InterVarsity ministry community. Pray for relationships to gel. For my grad students to enjoy getting to know a new Pharmacy faculty member named Dr. Wesley Sparkmon! Pray for undergrad students and grad students alike to enjoy a great meal and a fun time at the Perry’s house for dessert. I’ll send up some pics after its all over.



OH…and please do let me know your 2023 Support plans!

Two things.

Thing one:

LMK your support plans for the coming calendar year. My income and expense sheet is currently negative heading toward Thanksgiving. Nothing unusual there – budgets usually catch up and sling-shot forward with year-end giving. Part of my deficit this year included the amount rolled over from the last fiscal year (nearly $3K shortfall). Currently my deficit is a little higher than usual. Concerned, but not panicked.

Click here to give to Tim’s support.

On the encouraging side of things, I have been able to find several increases from current donors and a few new supporters this Fall. In a coming post, I’ll give you more of an idea of what my goals are for ending the fiscal year next June. I do have a larger than normal funding goal. My schedule will be changing next semester in order to allow me to use more of my time for new fund development. Meanwhile, please pray for my calendar year-end giving to be strong this time around. And pray for the work I am doing now to dive into intensive fund-raising in January.

If you are one of those year-end, annual givers. Please use the link above to send your gift. I’ll keep you posted on my finances between now and January. Thanks so much for your support!

Thing two:

Tomorrow morning I travel to Illinois to be present at a funeral. The wife and mother of a young family has battled cancer the past three years and finished her fight on Monday of this week. I’d love your prayers for the Portwoods. If you’d like to know a little about Janelle, you can read about her at this link. Several of you reading this know Mike and Janelle and have been praying and following her experiences.

They are a remarkable family of faith, hope and love. I’ve been blessed over the years to have their prayers and support in my InterVarsity ministry. Mike was on various leadership teams at Illinois Wesleyan back in the 90s! Please pray for the visitation (which is tonight, Nov 11th). Pray also for Janelle’s funeral which is tomorrow. Lord, please give me safe travel over and back from Joliet, IL tomorrow.

Pray for their four sons – Jack, James, Judah and Judd.

Thank you so much for your prayers. If you want to let me know your support plans for the coming year, please just text me back or email me below.
